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3 common mistakes people make after a slip-and-fall

On Behalf of | Dec 13, 2024 | Personal Injury

People sometimes assume that the right to compensation is automatic when they get hurt. After all, individuals and businesses have to carry various types of insurance to address common scenarios that result in injury. Most property owners have premises liability insurance, and the same is true of most businesses and landlords.

Premises liability refers to financial and legal culpability for injuries caused by unsafe property conditions. People sometimes take for granted that they should have access to appropriate compensation if they get hurt at a business or an apartment complex.

However, a compensation claim is usually necessary to obtain reimbursement for slip-and-fall injuries and other premises liability scenarios. People hurt in a slip-and-fall often make mistakes that limit their ability to obtain compensation. Avoiding the three mistakes below is important for someone hurt in a slip-and-fall incident.

1. Failing to gather evidence

People take for granted that others should accept what they say is truthful. Unfortunately, there are those who exaggerate or fabricate injury claims in order to obtain money.

Any attempt to seek compensation is likely to face scrutiny. People hurt in a slip-and-fall need documentation to affirm what happened. Using a mobile phone to take pictures of a spill or tripping hazards can help preserve crucial evidence. People who slip and fall may also need to get the names and contact information of those who witnessed the incident to protect themselves later.

2. Trying to treat injuries at home

Healthcare is expensive, and some people try to avoid costly treatment by wrapping their own sprained ankles or treating their own lacerations. The failure to see a doctor after a slip-and-fall can make it difficult to get compensation later.

There may be questions about the true origins of their injuries. Most people can easily overlook signs of serious injuries, such as traumatic brain injuries. Particularly if people hit their heads or pass out when they fall, seeing a doctor to rule out the possibility of a brain injury is important.

3. Leaving without filing a report

Many people feel very embarrassed after a slip-and-fall and do not want to draw attention to themselves. However, if they don’t report what happened, then they may struggle to seek compensation later.

Unless it is an emergency that requires immediate medical attention, the person who fell will typically need to take the time to file a report before leaving the building or business to seek medical attention. Internal records of their report can go a long way toward strengthening their claim later.

Knowing how to respond to a slip-and-fall incident can help people minimize their injuries and may improve their chances of obtaining compensation. People who take the right steps early after falling in public have better chances of getting the support they require later.